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时间:2022-10-30 15:18来源:香烟网 作者:佚名 点击:


The be dead by now. of in , , heavy on , none have in it. Forty still smoke — 15 per cent of women and about 20 per cent of men. are they’ll die a non- but they keep up.


the world, have in the rise in the of . In China, sales are . In , must be sold in drab green in of , and lungs, and dying . The brand name can only in small font on the front. The logic is that “” are less to the young who might see them as a of or .



Yet, for all this, have and . This week John , the of the House of , the board of , the of Camel and . Mr is a Camel Ultra- man and his job will be to speak for in .

然而,尽管如此,烟草公司已被证明足智多谋且灵活善变。最近,美国前众议院议长、共和党人约翰•博纳(John )加入雷诺美国( )董事会,该公司是骆驼香烟(Camel)和新港()香烟的生产商。博纳是骆驼超醇香烟(Camel Ultra-)的爱好者,他的工作将是在华盛顿为烟草公司辩护。

the , in its first -to- in 15 years, its at music the using the , an air- for . , , have new among who crave . They all the hit of a with a cool blast of mint. to drink ’s Lime-A-Rita beer , goes the , will be to take up . these are the of or truth, only the will tell.

今年夏季,新港展开了15年来首次直接面向消费者的营销活动,利用为吸烟者准备的一辆配有空调的拖车 ,在全国各地的音乐节上促销其薄荷香烟。新港估计,薄荷香烟在渴求风味的较年轻消费者中具有新的潜力。它们提供传统香烟的所有提神效果,同时加上了一种清凉的薄荷浓香。按照这种理论,任何一个希望饮用百威()青柠丽塔啤酒(Lime-A-Rita)的人都愿意尝试薄荷香烟。这些是产品营销的疯言疯语还是事实,只有市场能够作出评判。


Japan the US with its LD . In North , the home of US , where are among the , a pack of LD costs just over half the price of a pack of . Japan ’s logic is that the in the US is . There are fewer , keep and the in the of seems to have .

日本烟草公司(Japan )最近进入美国市场,推出了价格不高的乐迪(LD)香烟。在美国烟草的故乡北卡罗来纳州,一包乐迪香烟的售价仅为万宝路()的一半多一点,而该州的香烟价格处于全球最低之列。日本烟草公司的逻辑是,美国的禁烟运动正在衰落。诉讼数量减少,价格持续上涨香烟生产成本,吸烟者数量的下滑趋势似乎已放缓。

It feels as , after years of in plain sight, the is once again ready to strut. Yet, for , the has never out . A from with data going back to 1900 that had best, with an of 14.6 per cent with an of 9.6 per cent. A in in 1900 would have grown, with , to $38,255 by the end of 2014. If you had the same in and , you would have a $1,225.

感觉好像是,在经过多年在人们眼皮底下藏身后,烟草行业正准备再次昂首阔步。然而,对于投资者而言,这种产品从未停止产生利润。瑞信( )最近一份报告囊括了各种行业,数据回溯到1900年。报告显示,烟草行业表现最佳,年化回报率达到14.6%,而平均水平为9.6%。如果你在1900年投资烟草公司1美元,并将股息用于再投资,到2014年底这笔投资将增值至3.8255万美元。如果你用同样的钱投资造船和航运业,你只能拿回区区1225美元。


The ’ sold its 16 years ago, in the thick of the , but has said it may its .

16年前,加州公务员养老体系( ’ )出售了其在烟草公司的持股,当时抵制烟草公司的诉讼非常多,但该机构表示,可能会重新考虑其决定。

So what’s the ? At one level, it’s . are cheap to make and , which for fat . And are loyal to their . Snag them when they are young and are you’ll have them until they give up or die.



But have also in the face of . sales have been up. The in , which heat fluid than cured , is as out how more per puff and send it deep into a ’s lungs. per cent of aged 17-18 had in the past year, to US .


have even the wave. makes , which it as “”, “ free” and made with . The show a of a a long pipe.

烟草公司甚至搭上了有机的浪潮。雷诺美国生产了 香烟,称其为“天然”、“无添加剂”而且用有机烟草生产。香烟包装上是一张美国原住民抽旱烟的图片。


say, call them what you like, the are just as bad for you as any other. But the — that in them you are into some , — goes down well with . A of is in where is not.

禁烟活动人士(你怎么称呼都行)表示,这种香烟和其他香烟一样对人体有害。但这种营销信息(吸这种烟会让你重拾一些古老的、草本的仪式)尤其受到潮人的欢迎。在万宝路不被接受的某些环境,一包 可以让人接受。

also from in . Even if the of is or in many , you can keep up the price of as wages rise in to . If you put aside the , a pack of 20 a cheap .


For those who have been on for years about the of , it must be . For every blow they land, the into new areas of . It seems quite that, 100 years from now, it will still be out cash at a rate to turn the rest of the Dow Jones green.

对于那些多年来正当抨击烟草公司罪恶的人而言,这肯定令人恼火。每当他们展开抨击时,该行业都会虚晃一枪,进入新的盈利领域。100年后,该行业仍将实现高额利润,而其利润率将让道琼斯指数(Dow Jones)其他股票艳羡。

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